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What Has Been Happening At The Fire Station?

May contain: person, human, fireman, fire, bonfire, and flame
2022 Limb Dump Training Burn a success!

In the next few months Crooked River Ranch Fire & Rescue will be having a lot of training events going on. We have been working with many of the fire districts in our area to help their members achieve the Live Fire Instructor certification. During March we will have two live fire training evolutions in Sisters. Our student volunteers were used as the students for the instructors to train. This allowed them to get more live fire training and experience. Ten instructors were trained this month. In the next month or so we will be sending our members to Jefferson County Fire District 1 to do the same training. The idea behind attending all these trainings is, as we grow and expand our own training area, we will be building a small building to do live fire training behind the Station. It is required that anyone putting on these trainings must be certified Live Fire Instructors.

We will also be hosting a few trainings like Fire Instructor, as well as a Water Supply class where we will be shuttling water from a fill sight down to the commercial area of the Ranch. This will give our tender operators some well needed practice. This training will also give us data on how much water we can move in a certain amount of time. Then it will be time to climb up on top of the training building for some Rope Rescue Operations instruction. As you know we do quite a bit of rope work in our surrounding canyons and this training will sharpen our skills so we can work safely.

Emergency Medical Service (EMS) training is always on our minds, as most of our responses are EMS. We will be doing our annual refreshers for CPR and other skills we need to keep up on each year. In January we ran forty-one calls.

We will once again have our Annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 16th starting at 10:00 AM sharp. This is all COVID dependent, but our hope is that it will go off with out a hitch. We will have more information to come so keep looking at our Facebook page and our website for more details.

We will be having our Emergency Preparedness Open House April 30th from 10:00am to 1:00pm. There will be lots of vendors and speakers that can help you prepare for an emergency  The BLM folks will be talking to us about the work being done on Quail and the other areas along the rim on the west side of the Ranch. Please plan to attend as this will be highly informative.

You can learn more about the Fire District and current events on our website, Facebook page, or our Twitter feed. The next  Fire Board meeting will be Thursday, March 17th at 6:30 pm. You can go to for information about attending our virtual meeting.